
AMath Prof Talk: Marek Stastna

December 5, 2023

2:30 PM–3:30 PM
RCH 301


A little bit of application for the applied math enjoyers…

Here are the details:

PMath Prof Talk with Prof. Marek Stastna
Mathematics and Climate: Approaches and Case Studies

Time: Tuesday, December 5, 14:30-15:30
Location: RCH 301

Abstract: "In this talk I will survey some aspects of modern climate science and the role of mathematics in it. I will begin with a case study of man made climate change that has already happened and is well documented. I will then discuss natural climate change, and some of the complicated computer models along with toy models used to describe it. I will then survey the various scales of the climate system, picking a few to show mathematical concepts that are vital in their description. Finally I will discuss climate change and people, and some of the ways mathematics will play a different role in the next phase of climate science, particularly as the world shifts to net zero."


December 4, 2023

6:00 PM–8:00 PM
DC 1302


Winter is upon us. Il Marchese Evan invites you to his mansion (DC 1302) for an evening of fine Italian cuisine (pizza) and puzzle intrigue (Over 9OOO??). Monday, December 4, 18:00. I sure hope no one gets murdered…


November 23, 2023

6:30 PM–9:00 PM
PAS 2083


It returns! The short attention span be math seminaring again.

SASMS II — Thursday, November 23, 6:30-9:00pm, PAS 2083

Time Speaker Talk Title
6:30pm Parsa Salimi New Alan Turing Paper Just Dropped!
7:00pm Kit Tapley Higher Order Graph Theory and Applications
7:30pm C&O Club Dinner :0
8:00pm Zayaan Mulla The Polynomial Method and Applications
8:30pm Vishnu Mugundan The Traveling Salesman Problem with LP Relaxation

It is the same time and place as last time! 6:30-9:00pm, PAS 2083.

VP Propaganda

PMath Prof Talk: Elana Kalashnikov

November 15, 2023

5:00 PM–6:00 PM
MC 2054


The pure math Prof Talk is finally here! The PMC events are really coming rapid fire these few weeks…

Here are the details:

PMath Prof Talk with Prof. Elana Kalashnikov
Degenerations and Classification

Time: Wednesday, November 15, 17:00-18:00
Location: MC 2054
Food: Most probably.

Abstract: Algebraic geometry is the study of 'shapes' cut out by polynomial equations. One of the major open problems facing mathematicians today is how to classify these shapes. More complicated shapes can be broken into basic building blocks - so to classify all varieties it suffices to classify the basic building blocks. In this talk, we'll explain how insights in string theory have given mathematicians a promising way of classifying the building blocks using Mirror Symmetry. The key idea is that each building block should correspond to certain decorated polytopes. Given a building block, the question is then how to produce such a polytope: this is done by degenerating the equations cutting out the shape of the building block. We'll discuss what's known about this approach, and what's left to do, along with explicit examples.

Another?!!?! C&O Prof Talk

November 14, 2023

5:00 PM–6:00 PM
MC 2034


C&O enjoyers, we have more C&O for you to enjoy. Prof. Peter Nelson is giving ANOTHER C&O Prof Talk, Tuesday, November 14th, 17:00, MC 2034.

Here are the details:

Time: Tuesday, November 14, 17:00-18:00
Location: MC 2034

Abstract: Given a long and complicated proof, how can we be sure of its correctness? One way is to write the proof in a form that can be checked by a proof assistant. While this idea is not new, it is much easier to actually do this in practice than it used to be, and things continue to improve fast. I will discuss the world of proof formalization, and share my experiences, successes and frustrations navigating it as a mathematician.

I promise the other prof talks will be announced soon…


November 9, 2023

6:30 PM–9:00 PM
PAS 2083


Fall SASMS is here! Dedicated SASMS attendees may recognize the location…

SASMS I — Thursday, November 9, 6:30-9:00pm, PAS 2083

Time Speaker Talk Title
6:30pm Cooper Stone Numbers in the Roaring Game: The Physics, Statistics, and Game Theory of Curling
7:00pm Adam Jelinsky Why is the Riemann Hypothesis important?
7:30pm Pure Math Club Dinner :0
8:00pm Easty Guo Cool Math Contest Problems
8:30pm Yi Fan Song I Hate Determinants

Once again, that is 6:30-9:00pm, November 9, in PAS 2083. Abstracts will be handed out at the talks. Don't get lost going to the other end of campus!

Watch out for SASMS II on Thursday, November 23rd. Same time. Same place. Some amount of food to be provided again.

VP Propaganda

C&O Prof Talk: Bill Cook

November 8, 2023

4:00 PM–5:00 PM
MC 2054


We're halfway through fall term, and it's about time for prof talks. And we are experiencing the rare event of C&O being the first prof talk.

Here are the details:

C&O Prof Talk with Prof. Bill Cook
Astro Tours and Amazon Deliveries

Time: Wednesday, November 8, 16:00-17:00
Location: MC 2054

Abstract: We describe techniques used to find a traveling salesman problem tour through the 3D positions of 2,079,471 stars. Together with Keld Helsguan, we proved the tour is at most 1.0000074 times longer than an optimal route. Going practical, we also discuss methods used to compute constrained tours for delivery-van drivers. This van-routing work, together with Stephan Held and Keld Helsgaun, won the $100,000 top prize in the Amazon Last Mile Routing Challenge held in 2021.

Disorganizational Meeting

September 12, 2023

6:00 PM–7:00 PM
MC 5501


Did you know PMC will be holding its termly (dis)organizational meeting on this coming Tuesday? We booked out the fancy room on the 5th floor of MC and everything! This meeting is where we vote on executives for the term. Even you can run for an executive position, whether you're a first-year or a fifth-year. Just show up to the meeting!

Here's a list of the positions we'll be electing:

  • President
  • Vice President of Pure Math
  • Vice President of Applied Math
  • Vice President of Combinatorics and Optimization
  • Vice President of Pop
  • Vice President of Finances
  • Vice President of Propaganda
  • Secretary

That's eight whole positions! Surely you'll run for one, right?

Hope to see you there!

Evan Girardin
President, PMAMC&OC